Click on the belt level below to see the videos for that rank from all three systems.
The Evolution of Kenpo is told in the videos below with the Original American Kenpo as taught by Ed Parker and prior to the techniques having names as well as some of the techniques were later added on to as you can see in the videos.
From American Kenpo, you have the Tracy brothers who started the Tracy System of Kenpo. And even though they came from American Kenpo you can see how they added to the techniques and rank system.
From Al Tracy you have Jim Rathbone one Tracy Black belts where you can see Kenpo Evolve again into what is called White Tiger Kenpo Jujits. Enjoy the videos and the story they tell.
Original American Kenpo
American Kenpo Techniques
Tracy Kenpo Techniques
White Tiger Kenpo Techniques
Technique 7: Beginner Technique
Clutching Feathers
Attacking Circle
Technique 8: Beginner Technique
Triggered Salute
Headlock ABC
Technique 9: Beginner Technique
Dance of Death
Japanese Strangle Hold ABCDE
Crash of the Eagles Pt I ABCDE
Technique 10:Beginner Technique
Thrusting Salute
Blocking the Kick ABCD
Grasping Talon AB
Gift of Destruction
Headlock ABC
Tackle Technique ABCD
Locking Horns
Crash of the Eagles Pt I ABCDE
Passing the Horizon AB
Technique 1: Now called Lone Kimono Beginner Technique
Lone Kimono
Grasping Talon AB
Kimono Grab ABCD
Glancing Salute
Tackle Technique ABCD
Lever ABC
Technique 6: Now Called Five Swords
At this time only part of the technique was taught. Beginner Technique
Five Swords
Crashing Elbows AB
Buckling Branch
Opponents at Sides ABCD
Heel Hook AB
Scraping Hoof
Passing the Horizon AB
Bending the Sword
Technique 3: Now called Grip of Death Beginner Technique
Grip of Death
Kimono Grab AB
Bridge AB
Technique 2: Now called Crossing Talon Beginner Technique
Crossing Talon
Lever ABC
Eagle Beak ABC
Repeating Mace
Crashing Elbows AB
Front Bear Hug ABCDE
Shield and Hammer
Heel Hook
Striking Serpent Head
Bridge AB
Breaking the Cross
Technique 1 intermediate technique now called Locked Wing
Locked Wing
Eagle Beak ABC
Aiming the Spear
Obscure Wings
Front Bear Hug ABCD
Raising the Staff AB
Reversing Mace
Rocking Elbow
Thrusting Prongs
Breaking the Cross
Reverse Hammerlock AB
Obscure Sword
Aiming the Spear
Anvil ABCD
Technique 2 intermediate technique
now called Twisted Twig
Twisted Twig
Raising the Staff AB
Knee Lift
Raining Claw
Lowering the Gate AB
Crane Leap ABCD
Technique 4: Now Called Crashing Wings Beginner Technique